Virtual DJ Studio
Virtual DJ Studio is not like all of the other DJ programs out there. While other programs limit you to two players with a Cross-Fader, Virtual DJ Studio provides you with an entire studio.
Exclusive app-based control and customer song requests make Virtual DJ Studio stand out above the rest! Click here for more details about this exclusive feature.
Virtual DJ Studio gives you a mixer-board interface. Each line offers things you would expect from a typical mixer — volume fader, mute, crossfader assignment, etc. Additionally, each line contains an MP3/WAV/Karaoke player, with all of the controls you might expect — including a Pitch/Tempo control. If you have two or more sound cards/audio devices, you can route any line to your secondary device, for headphone preview or beat-matching. Alternatively, you might use this feature to simply allow more control with your external mixer.
How to Install?
- Unrar
- Install
- Copy cracked .exe to installation dir.
- Double-click on the .reg file.

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