Whatsapp Use To PC Web Browser
My obsession with WhatsApp simply never seems to end, After writing about WhatsApple – WhatsApp client for PC , and 5 WhatsApp protocol supported apps for Firefox OS Phones , i looked around for even more Simpler and unique solutions and came across - Yosapp! and I simply loved this concept ! Its unique and pretty much what i am looking for! – WhatsApp Web UI! (Use Whatsapp through Website) . Yosapp enables a user to use WhatsApp Protocol directly through the Browser , it means that, to access WhatsApp through Yosapp there’s no need to download any WhatsApp App/Client whatsoever! All you need to do is Register your account and mobile number on Yosapp site and you’re ready to use it! (You can use WhatsApp on Opera Mini and UC Browser(Ucweb) too!
Features of Yosapp!
- WhatsApp Web UI (No need to Download Any WhatsApp Client!).
- You can Access your WhatsApp account and use it for chatting from literally anywhere, e.g Net cafes,Web-browsers,Mobile browsers etc.
- You can use it to access Whatsapp for Accessing on Public Computers such as school and college labs
- Easy Contacts Management – once you add your contacts in the Yosapp site, you can chat with them directly! So, in case you change your mobile Phone or lose your contacts, you have an all-time backup of the contacts.
- Works on all browsers and accessible from anywhere , its pretty much like GMail, you sign in to your WhatsApp account, check and reply to the chats sent when you were offline, as well as Chat with the friends who are online too :).
- Attachments sent by users to you can also be viewed and forwarded .
- OS Independent : As its web-based you can practically use it on any Web-browser IE/Chrome/Firefox/Safari/Opera Mini/UCBrowser and any OS you want Windows/Linux/Android/Mac/Firefox OS/tizen etc and the list goes on and on…
- Supports Desktop Notifications too
, if supported by the Browser e.g Chrome
Configuring and using Yosapp too is very easy , simply perform the following steps to Configure and use Yosapp!
- Visit the Yosapp site by Click Here.
- Click on the Sign-Up account icon in the Right hand side top corner as shown in below image -
- Now you will be shown a Sign-Up Form as shown below – , Please fill in the 10-digit mobile Number and other details and Click on the “Sign-Up” button.
- Now , login to your registered account by clicking the “Y” icon , shown at the centre of screen, on left hand-side of Sign-Up form , and click on “Login” button.
- As you have registered for first time on Yosapp , it will ask for one-time verification of your Mobile Number either through SMS or by Call, as shown below , here select the Verification method and click on forward arrow button or “>” (see figure)
- Now in the next Step, Enter the Six – digit verification number received on your Mobile, and click Next
- Voila! You are ready to use WhatsApp! on your browser, Simply Add a contact through “Add Contact” icon or through “Settings” icon as shown in below figure and start chatting ! [ Check the below figure for all Controls and Options ]
- Note : While adding New Contact, you will see a “CC” option CC stands for Country Code, in that field Enter the Country Code of the Contact
That’s it , you can now log-off and Sign-in again to your Whatsapp/Yosapp account from anywhere PC/Mobile to use WhatsApp! and it won’t ask for Verification too!
Thus, you can now access, your WhatsApp account from anywhere through your Yosapp account,
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