Avant Browser
Free Download
Software Information:-
Avant Browser is an ultra-fast web browser. Its user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability.
Download the Avant web browser for fast browsing experience . Avant Browser is surely an ultra-fast internet browser. It is a user-friendly interface that brings a brand new a higher level clarity and efficiency for your browsing experience, and regular upgrades have steadily enhanced its excellence.
Avant Internet Browser is a Free standalone software designed to extend features offered by Internet Explorer. It adds a lot of features and benefits to IE and its user-friendly interface brings a new level of clarity and efficiency to your browsing experience, and frequent upgrades have steadily improved its reliability. Avant Browser is freeware. You can use it for 100% free of cost. No limitations. No Adware. No Spyware. Avant Browser if Free Web Browser and you can use it as alternative for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome.
Avant browser Download has TRI-CORE rendering engine. Avant Web browser has three Rendering Engines built-in: Trident, Gecko and Web-kit, the engines behind Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome respectively.

Avant’s web browser features include:
- Additional Mouse Functions
- Multi-Window Browsing
- Mouse Gestures
- Flash Animation Filter
- Built-in AD/Pop-up Blocker
- Real Full Screen Mode and Alternative Full Desktop mode
- Built-in Search Engine
- Full IE Compatibility
- Online Profile Storage
- Autofills
- Built-in RSS/ATOM Reader.
- Control Your Privacy
- Safe Recovery
- Skins
- Support for 41 languages
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Added By AlOn3-__-aKs
good working browser .....